Voltron: Defender of the Universe


Name:  Hyakujuuou Legendary Defender Voltron
Age: Unknown
Height: 362'9"
Weight: 9500 lbs.
Sign: Unknown
Origin: Arus

     Composed of the five elemental lions, Voltron is one of the most powerful forces of good in the universe.  Originally one entity, a goddess split him into the lions of space and air (Black) fire (Red), forest and life (Green), water (Blue) and earth and stone (Yellow).  Complete, he is the Yin-God aspect of good, while individually the lions are Yang-Goddess spirits.
     Aside from the individual natural powers of the lions, Voltron has several weapons unique to his form.  The most powerful is perhaps his Blazing Sword.  Forged in the heart of a star from an unknown alloy, this beautiful longsword is capable of slicing through the hardest materials.  Rarely used, but no less effective, is the two-bladed Blazing Spear and Blazing Arrow.  Defenses include the Star Shield and Royal Crest, as well as the Wing Blades, which are equally effective as an offense.
     Though normally controlled by the pilot of Black Lion, in a pinch or emergency he can be guided by other lion pilots.  Individual attacks are also usually activated by the pilots of the respective lions, ie. the pilot of Red Lion controls all of her fire attacks.
      Though the Voltron Force often receives orders from Galaxy Garrison, there is no doubt that Voltron is first and foremost the guardian of Arus, and under the command of the greater good and welfare of the entire universe, wether those planets are part of the Alliance or not.

Galactic Line

~~ Animan Species Notes ~~

* Keith * Lance * Pidge * Allura * Hunk * Voltron * Coran & Nanny * The Mice *

# King Zarkon # Prince Lotor # Hagar and Coba #

~ Misc ~

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