Voltron: the Furred Dimension


Black Lion

     In the late 20th Century, Man began to clone animals. For a while ethics was able to stave the progress of more advanced genetics, but in time money and politics won out.

     Genetics labs cropped up all over the country, and GenTech became the major of choice. The greatest breakthrough was the creation of the first non-ape human/animal hybrid. It was a miracle of gene splicing. The first creature, named "Victor" for the scientist who patched together the Modern Prometheus, and immediately following, his mate "Mary Shelly", crossbreed from the DNA of the scientists who created them and that of the lab cats they experimented on, marked what was to become a radical change in the Earth and Human race.

     The creatures bred true; bearing healthy, strong cubs. A new market opened up… one for genetically engineered pets and companions. Many species were created, but only a few succeeded, mostly carnivorous mammals, who found it easy to adapt to life among humans, at least easier than the herbivorous beasts.

Red Lion

Yellow Lion

     Breeders cropped up like labs, cranking out custom pets as well as natural born cubs. The animals, tentatively called Moreaus at first (later changed to Anima Sapiens, [lit. Wise Life, Anima being the root of Animal] Animans in general), over many generations and far more tweaking, matched, and even surpassed some humans in intelligence, and became almost as long-lived as their human creators. Most were treated as valued family members by those who could afford them, although not a few were exploited. They often became loving nurses and companions for the elderly and physically challenged, as well as patient, loving nannies for the young. They did not look at themselves as pets or slaves any more than a cat or dog would, and many chose to sleep coiled on the foot of their beloved master's beds rather than in a room on their own, and the humans never feared an uprising from them.

     Then the Final War came.

     The war was chemical and biological. Within ten years a fraction of the human race was left alive. Bewildered, frightened Animans found themselves burying their families alone, none of the viri affecting them. The originators of the bugs had seen no reason to make the innocent Animans suffer, worrying little about the children they had grown up along side.

Green Lion

Blue Lion

     Forty years from the dropping of the first bomb, the last human on Earth was laid to rest. The first Great Extinction since the dinosaurs was complete, and in its wake was a new race that needed only a little urging and confidence to rapidly take their place…
