Mau's Art

Welcome to the Main Gallery.  Here we have a slowly growing collection of art from Yiff no Miko Mau-chan.  Enjoy, but no swiping without permission.  You don't want to ruffle a furre's fur. ^_^

Black Lion Thumbnail

Red Lion Thumbnail

Green Lion Thumbnail

Blue Lion Thumbnail

Yellow Lion Thumbnail

Black Lion:
Keith the Myriad

Red Lion: 
Lance the Kitsune

Green Lion: 
Pidge the Ermine

Blue Lion:
Allura the Lioness

Yellow Lion:
Hunk the Tiger

Keith Manga-style Thumbnail

Pencil for Red Lion

Black Sphinx

The initial piece for
Keith, while nice,
did not come out
as planned.

in pencil.

An earlier piece, I really like
how Black Lion came out.

Black Lion in Pencil Thumbnail

Something I did  when in school; it was interesting
drawing Black from memory.

Pokemon Cards:  Having nothing better to do after finishing a final in 3D Modeling, I made these.  I hope to eventually get around to the villains.  As the Styx song says, I've got too much time on my hands...
